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Adobe 9A0-150 Dumps, Latest Updated Adobe 9A0-150 Practice Test Guaranteed SuccessAdobe 9A0-150 Dumps, Latest Updated Adobe 9A0-150 Practice Test Guaranteed Success

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Well-regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, and challenging review questions and hands-on exercises, Pass4itsure helps you master the concepts and techniques that will enable you to succeed on the Adobe 9A0-150 exam the first time.

You are adjusting a photograph in the Camera Raw dialog box. You have darkened the top of the image by
dragging the Graduated Filter tool from the top to the bottom of the image, and then decreasing the
Brightness slider. Now you want to lighten the bottom of the photograph.
What should you do?

A. Option-click (Mac OS) or Alt-click (Windows) the red circle icon in the graduated filter you’ve applied to the image; then increase the Brightness slider.
B. Click the + (plus) button to the right of the Brightness slider; then increase both the Brightness and 19 /
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Exposure sliders.

C. Increase the Brightness slider, click the New button, and drag the Graduated Filter tool from the bottom to the top of the photograph.
D. Drag the Graduated Filter tool from the bottom to the top of the photograph; then increase the Brightness slider.

Correct Answer: D
A speck of dust on your camera lens has caused a spot on a raw photograph. In Camera Raw, you select
the Spot Removal tool and click on the spot. The spot is now covered with another unpleasant color so you
want to change the pixel sampling area.
What should you do?

A. Click on a different area of the photo.
B. Drag the green-and-white ring.
C. Delete the Spot Removal tool edits you ve made, and start over.
D. Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) on a different area of the photo.

Correct Answer: B
Adobe Camera Raw 6 includes controls for reducing which kinds of digital noise? (Choose two.)
A. Luminance noise
B. JPEG artifacts
C. Color noise
D. Color banding
E. Color dithering

Correct Answer: AC
You ve adjusted a raw photograph in Camera Raw. Now you are ready to open the image in Photoshop to
add some text. However, you want to be able to quickly bring the image from Photoshop back into Camera
Raw to change your Camera Raw adjustments.
What should you do?

A. Click the Save Image button in Camera Raw; then open the saved file directly in Photoshop.
B. Click the Done button in Camera Raw; then open the file directly in Photoshop.
C. Hold down the Shift key to change the Open Image button to Open Object, and click that button.
D. Hold down the Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) key and click the done button.

Correct Answer: C
You want to open a JPEG directly into Camera Raw to adjust it there. What should you do? (Choose two.)
A. In Adobe Bridge, select the JPEG thumbnail and press Control+R (Windows) or Command+R (Mac
B. In Adobe Bridge, hold down Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) and double-click the JPEG thumbnail.
C. In Adobe Bridge, select the JPEG thumbnail and then choose File > Place > In Photoshop.
D. In Photoshop, choose File > Open, select the JPEG file, set the Format menu to Camera Raw, and click Open.
E. In Photoshop, navigate to the JPEG file in Mini Bridge and double-click its thumbnail. 20 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.

Correct Answer: AD
You ve adjusted a raw photograph in Camera Raw, and you d like to create a small copy of the adjusted
photograph as a JPEG to attach to an email.
Which is the best workflow to follow?

A. In Camera Raw, click the Open Image button. Then, in Photoshop, open the Save for Web & Devices dialog box, and set the format to JPEG, reduce the file size, and click Save.
B. In Camera Raw, click the Save Image button, and save as JPEG.Then open the file in Photoshop, resize it in the Image Size dialog box, and save as JPEG.
C. In Camera Raw, click the Save Image button, and save as JPEG.Then open the file in Photoshop, open the Save for Web & Devices dialog box, and set the format to JPEG, reduce the file size, and click Save.
D. In Camera Raw, click the Save Image button, and save as JPEG.Then select the file in Mini-Bridge, choose Tools > Photoshop > Image Processor, and resize and save as JPEG from there.

Correct Answer: A
You have selected the Mixer Brush tool. You want to sample multiple colors from the current image to load
in the brush s paint reservoir.
What should you do?

A. Hold the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key as you click on the photograph in the document window.
B. Turn on the Load the Brush after Each Stroke button in the Options bar.
C. Hold the Shift key as you click on the photograph in the document window.
D. Switch to the photograph layer and hold the Shift key as you click on the photograph in the document window.

Correct Answer: A
You have the Mixer Brush tool selected in the Tools panel. What does the Wet slider in the options bar control?
A. How much paint the brush picks up from the canvas
B. How much of the foreground color the brush uses
C. How much of the background color the brush uses
D. How much the brush tip is cleaned after each stroke
Correct Answer: A
Bristle Tip brush tips work with which tools? (Choose two.)
A. Mixer Brush tool
B. Dodge tool
C. The Gradient tool
D. The Pen tool
E. The Healing Brush tool

Correct Answer: AB
You want to fill an area of your CMYK image with a process color equivalent of a color from a Pantone
21 / 28
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swatch book.
Which Photoshop features help you do this? (Choose two.)

A. Choose New Spot Channel from the Channels panel menu, click the color icon and choose a color from the Select Channel Color dialog box.
B. Choose Select > Color Range and select the Localized Color Clusters checkbox.
C. Click the foreground color picker then click the Color Libraries button in the Color Picker.
D. Choose a library of swatches presets from the Swatches panel menu then click the color in the panel.
E. Choose Lab sliders from the Color panel menu and then choose a color in the panel.

Correct Answer: CD
You want to sample a color from a website to use as the foreground color in Photoshop. You have the website visible in a web browser and both the web browser and Photoshop are visible on your screen. What should you do?
A. Click and hold with the Eyedropper tool in the Photoshop document window, drag from there to your web browser, and release your mouse over the color you want.
B. Select the Eyedropper tool, then hold the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS) as you click on the color in the web browser.
C. Select the Eyedropper tool, then hold the Shift key as you click on the color in the web browser.
D. Select the Color Sampler tool, then click on the color you want in the Web browser.

Correct Answer: A
You want to apply a Shadows/Highlights adjustment to a layer in your document. You want to be able to
change the adjustment without causing further degredation to the image later. You have selected the layer
What should you do to prepare the image, before you choose the command Image > Adjustments >
Shadows/Highlights? (Choose two.)

A. Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters.
B. Duplicate the layer, and select the duplicate layer.
C. Choose Convert to Smart Object from the Layers panel menu.
D. Click the Add a Mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel.
E. Click Brightness/Contrast in the Adjustments panel to add a new Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer.

Correct Answer: AC
You ve applied a filter to a layer as a Smart Filter. Now you want to reduce the strength of that filter s
How can you do that? (Choose two.)

A. Double-click the Edit Blending Options icon in the Layers panel, and adjust the opacity.
B. Choose the filter from the Filter menu and adjust the values to the desired strength.
C. Double-click the name of the Smart Filter in the Layers panel, and adjust the filter options.
D. Select the Smart Filter in the Layers panel, and choose Edit > Fade.
E. Select the layer in the Layers panel, and adjust the Opacity slider.

Correct Answer: AC
You have the Gradient Tool selected. You want to draw a gradient in your image and set the
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transparency level at a particular point in the gradient.
What should you do?

A. Add a new layer, draw the gradient on the new layer, and set the opacity of the layer.
B. Change the value in the Opacity field of the Options bar before drawing the gradient.
C. Click on the gradient in the Options bar to open the Gradient Editor dialog box, click just above the gradient bar and change the value in the Opacity field.
D. Click on the gradient in the Options bar to open the Gradient Editor dialog box, double-click on a color stop below the gradient bar, and adjust the color in the color picker.

Correct Answer: C
You plan on filling a layer with a noise gradient. The initial gradient you create in the Gradient Editor has
too many overly saturated colors.
What can you do in the Gradient Editor to reduce the saturation of colors in the gradient?

A. Change the Roughness setting.
B. Select the Restrict Colors option.
C. Change the Color Model pop-up menu to LAB
D. Select the Add Transparency option.

Correct Answer: B
You have ten files that you would like to be able to access frequently. You would like to create a collection
that you can view in Mini Bridge. You select the files in Mini Bridge and drag them on top of the Collections
item in the Mini Bridge Navigation area.
What happens?

A. Mini Bridge creates a new collection that contains those files.
B. Mini Bridge creates a smart collection that contains those files.
C. Nothing. You can t create a new collection in Mini Bridge.
D. Mini Bridge creates a new folder on your Desktop that contains those file.

Correct Answer: C
You have an image file currently open in Photoshop. You select the thumbnail of a different image file in
the Mini Bridge panel and choose Tools > Place > In Photoshop.
What happens?

A. The selected image is placed in the open file as a smart object layer above the current image layer.
B. The selected image is placed in the open file as a pixel layer above the current image layer.
C. The selected image replaces the current layer or Background layer in the open file.
D. The selected image is opened in a new tab in the Document window.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 98
You are on a Windows computer, and you want to use a Photoshop plug-in that works only in 32- bit mode. How do you run Photoshop CS5 for Windows as a 32-bit application?
A. Install both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of Photoshop. Switch between them by quitting one version of Photoshop and launching the other.
B. Right-click the Photoshop application icon, and choose Properties from the context menu.
C. Change the Display mode of your monitor to a lower resolution. 23 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
D. Allocate more RAM to Photoshop in Photoshop preferences.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 99
Which color space contains the widest color gamut?
A. ProPhoto RGB
B. Adobe RGB (1998)
C. Color Match RGB
D. sRGB IEC61966-2.1

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 100
You have an RGB image that you want to convert to CMYK.Y our print service bureau has given you a custom ICC profile for their printing conditions that differs from your current Photoshop Color Settings. Which feature should you use to convert to CMYK?
A. Choose Edit > Convert to Profile.
B. Choose Edit > Assign Profile.
C. Choose Image > Mode > CMYK.
D. Choose Edit > Color Settings, and choose the Custom CMYK option from the CMYK menu.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 101
You are dragging a panel toward the edge of the monitor where you have docked other panels. Which key should you hold down as you drag to prevent this panel from docking with the other panels?
A. The Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS)
B. The Shift key
C. The Esc key
D. The Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac OS)

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 102
You are creating a custom workspace that facilitates the way you like to work. Which parameters can you save as part of your custom workspace, other than panel locations? (Choose two.)
A. Custom keyboard shortcuts
B. Current color management settings
C. Your CS Live setup
D. Menu changes
E. Changes to Preferences

Correct Answer: AD
You are working on a system with two monitors, and you have two documents open as tabbed documents
on the main monitor. You want to display one of the documents on the second monitor for easier
reference, so you can see both at the same time.
What should you do?

A. Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and double-click on the document s tab.
B. Turn off the Open Documents as Tabs preference.
C. Click the document s tab, and drag to the second monitor. 24 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
D. Choose Window > Arrange > Tile.

Correct Answer: C
You want to quickly hide all panels and menus and switch the area outside the canvas to black. What should you do?
A. Press Command-F (Mac OS) or Ctrl+F (Windows) twice.
B. Choose View > Proof Setup > Custom.
C. Choose Full Screen Mode from the Application bar s Screen Mode menu.
D. Press F1 twice.

Correct Answer: C
You are sharpening a photograph, and you want to preview the sharpening at 100% view for greatest
How can you display the photograph at 100% in the document window?(Choose two.)

A. Choose View > Actual Pixels.
B. Double-click the Zoom tool in the Tools panel.
C. Double-click the Hand tool in the Tools panel.
D. Press Ctrl+0 (Windows) or Command+0 (Mac OS).
E. Select Scrubby Zoom in the Zoom tool Options bar, and drag in the image.

Correct Answer: AB
You are using the Hand tool to pan around a large image. You release the mouse, but the image continues
to scroll.
How can you disable this feature?

A. Hold down the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS) while scrolling.
B. Turn off Enable Flick Panning in the Preferences dialog box.
C. Turn off Animated Zoom in the Preferences dialog box.
D. Replace the video card with one that supports Open GL.
Correct Answer: B
You re making a new file in which to create a banner ad for a website.
Which settings should you choose in the new dialog box?
A. Width: 728 pixels, Height: 90 pixels, Resolution: 72 pixels/inch, Color ModE:RGB Color, 8 bit
B. Width: 1024 pixels, Height: 768 pixels, Resolution: 72 pixels/inch, Color Mode:RGB Color, 16 bit
C. Width: 14.2 inches, Height: 2.8 inches, Resolution: 72 pixels/inch, Color Mode:LAB Color, 8 bit
D. Width: 10.7 inches, Height: 2.1 inches, Resolution: 72 pixels/inch, Color Mode:CMYK Color, 8 bit

Correct Answer: A
You are creating a document that will be printed on a commercial offset printing press. The printer has asked that you provide your images at 1.5 times the halftone screen and stated that the job will be printed at 150 LPI. The job will be 8×10 inches plus a .125-inch bleed. Which settings should you choose as you create the new document?
A. Width: 8.125 inches, Height: 10.125 inches, Resolution: 300 ppi, ColorMode:CMYK Color
B. Width: 8.25 inches, Height: 10.25 inches; Resolution: 300 ppi, ColorMode:CMYK Color 25 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
C. Width: 8.25 inches, Height: 10.25 inches; Resolution: 225 ppi, ColorMode:CMYK Color
D. Width: 8.125 inches, Height: 10.125 inches; Resolution: 150 ppi, ColorMode:LAB Color

Correct Answer: C
You want to upsample a photograph to a higher resolution. Which interpolation method in the Image Size dialog box is likely to give you the best result?
A. Bicubic Smoother
B. Bilinear
C. Bicubic Sharper
D. Nearest Neighbor

Correct Answer: A
You have 20 images of varying sizes and resolutions. You want to adjust each one to be 5×7 inches at 300
Which tool will allow the fastest processing of the images?

A. The Rectangular Marquee tool
B. The Direct Selection tool
C. The Crop tool
D. The Quick Selection tool

Correct Answer: C
You want to add a white, 20 pixel border around all four outside edges of a flattened photograph. What should you do?
A. Choose Select > All.Then choose Edit > Stroke.Set the stroke Location to Outside, the Width to 20 px, the Color to white, and the Blending Mode to Normal.Click OK.
B. Choose Image > Canvas Size.Then select the Relative checkbox, select the center anchor square, set Width and Height to 40 pixels, and choose White as the Canvas Extension Color.
C. Choose the Line tool.In the Options bar, set the Color to white and Weight to 20 px.Switch to the Rectangle tool, and drag diagonally from one corner of the photograph to the opposite corner.
D. Set the Foreground color to white.Choose Image > Image Size.Deselect Constrain Proportions, choose pixels as the unit of measurement, add 40 to both the Width and Height fields, and click OK.

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 112
You want to reshape a photograph from landscape (horizontal) to portrait (vertical) orientation using the
Content-Aware Scale command.
What should you do to ensure important details in the image are not distorted?

A. Click the Lock Image Pixels button in the Layers panel.
B. Copy the important details to a new layer before you choose Edit > Content Aware Scale.
C. Make a selection around the important areas before you choose Edit > Content Aware Scale.
D. Select an alpha channel in the Protect menu in the Options bar.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 113
You have a photograph of a skyscraper in which the building appears tilted to the left. You ?like to
straighten the building vertically and crop away any resulting transparent pixels in as few steps as

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What should you do?

A. Drag the Ruler tool along the edge of the skyscraper; then click the Straighten button in the Options bar.
B. Drag the Ruler tool along the building edge; then choose Image > Image Rotation > Arbitrary.
C. Drag the Crop tool over the image, rotate the bounding box so that one edge is in line with the building edge, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).
D. Hold down the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key while dragging the Line tool along the building edge; then press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 114
You re using the Crop tool to crop a photograph of a building. The Crop Guide Overlay menu in the Options bar is particularly useful for which tasks? (Choose two.)
A. Displaying a grid you can use as a guide for fixing the building s distorted perspective.
B. Improving the composition of the photograph with reference to the Rule of Thirds.
C. Adding crop and trim marks to the photograph for printing.
D. Changing the orientation of the photograph from landscape to portrait.
E. Enlarging the canvas size to make room for a caption under the photograph.

Correct Answer: AB QUESTION 115
You need to add copyright metadata to hundreds of images. Which is the most efficient way to do this?
A. Create an action in Photoshop.
B. Use a metadata template in Bridge.
C. Choose File > Automate > Batch in Photoshop.
D. Use the File Info dialog box in Bridge.

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 116
You want a list of edits performed on an image to automatically travel with the image file for future
What should you do?

A. Choose Preferences > General. Select History Log > Save Log Items To > Metadata.
B. Choose History Options from the History panel menu, and choose Automatically Create New Snapshot When Saving.
C. Choose File > File Info. Then select the History tab and click Import.
D. Choose File > Scripts > Scripts Event Manager

Correct Answer: A
When you save a layered image in Photoshop (PSD) format, the Photoshop Format Options dialog box
appears. By default, the Maximize Compatibility option selected.
Why might you leave Maximize Compatibility selected?

A. To allow older versions of Photoshop to open a flattened composite of the layered file.
B. To preserve the appearance of layer masks and alpha channels in the document.
C. To reduce the file size of the document by compressing layer data. 27 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
D. To preserve the editability of text and vector objects within the document.

Correct Answer: A
You have a layered document that contains both vector and raster elements. You want to place it in a
page-layout program for printing on a printing press.
Which format should you choose to ensure vector elements print at the highest quality?

A. Photoshop PDF
B. Photoshop PSD
Correct Answer: A

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Adobe 9A0-150 Dumps, Latest Updated Adobe 9A0-150 Practice Test Guaranteed Success

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The Adobe 9A0-150 test is also considered as one of the important certification in the field of Adobe exam. People who are qualified in Adobe 9A0-150 Certification test are likely to get good position in the company and will get the opportunity to work on various projects related to Cisco earlier; it is not at all easy to qualify for Adobe 9A0-150 exam without having enough skill and knowledge about Cisco. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare well prior to appearing in any of the Adobe 9A0-150 exam sample questions conducted Cisco Applications exams. Flydumps Adobe 9A0-150 exam sample questions are considered as most comprehensive and realistic available.

You have an RGB image open.In the Layers panel, you have added a Curves adjustment layer above your
image layer, but you would like to limit this adjustment to only the yellow tones of the image.
What should you do?

A. Adjust only the Blue curve in the Adjustments panel.
B. Select the adjustment layer s mask in the Layers panel, and use the Masks panel s Color Range option.
C. Add a Selective Color adjustment layer, and link it to the Curves adjustment layer.
D. Copy the yellow channel in the Channels panel, and paste it into the Curves adjustment layer mask.

Correct Answer: B
You added a Levels adjustment layer and experimented with different settings. Now you want to start over
again with the default settings.
What should you do?

A. Click the Auto button in the Adjustments panel.
B. Choose Reset Levels from the Adjustments panel menu.
C. Choose Reset Styles from the Styles panel menu.
D. Click the Previous State icon in the Adjustments panel.
Correct Answer: B
Click the Exhibit button.

You want to lighten and bring out detail in the dark statue in this photograph without making the sky too light. You add a Curves adjustment layer and set an anchor point on the curve to protect the highlights. What should you do next?
A. Select the On-image Adjustment tool in the Adjustments panel. Then click on a dark tone in the statue and drag vertically.
B. Select the Black Eyedropper tool in the Adjustments panel. Then click on a dark tone in the statue and drag vertically.
C. Select the Gray Eyedropper tool in the Adjustments panel. Then click on a dark tone in the statue and drag horizontally.
D. Select the White Eyedropper tool in the Adjustments panel. Then hold the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS) as you click on a dark tone in the statue and drag horizontally.

Correct Answer: A
You create a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, and want to adjust the hue of a color in the image. After you choose the On-image adjustment tool in the Adjustments panel, what should you do?
A. Click on the color in the image, and drag up or down.
B. Click on the color in the image, and drag left or right. 15 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
C. Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) on the color in the image, and drag left or right.
D. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) on the color in the image, and drag left or right.

Correct Answer: D
You want to convert a photograph to grayscale. When you choose Image > Mode > Grayscale, the
different areas of the image appear too similar in tone.
Which method should you use to get better results?

A. Add a Black & White adjustment layer.
B. Use Hue/Saturation or Curves to adjust the image s color range before converting to grayscale.
C. Choose Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.
D. Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters before converting to grayscale.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 65
You have a color image that you want to convert to grayscale. You would like to use a Black & White
adjustment layer to accomplish that, but it is unavailable in the Adjustments panel.
What might be the cause of that?

A. The image is in CMYK mode.
B. The currently selected layer is a shape layer.
C. The currently selected layer is a type layer.
D. The image is in 16 Bits/Channel mode.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 66
What does the Photomerge feature use to blend multiple photographs into a multi-layered panorama?
A. Layer masks
B. Adjustment layers
C. Layer blending modes
D. Layer comps

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 67
You are trying to merge photos into a panorama, but Photomerge is having trouble aligning your photos. What amount of overlap is optimal when shooting photographs for Photomerge to best align them?
A. About 10%
B. About 25%
C. About 40%
D. About 70%

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 68
You are adjusting a combined HDR image in the Merge to HDR Pro dialog box, using the Local Adaptation tone-mapping method. You want to add contrast between the shadow and highlight areas of the image. Which control should you adjust?
A. The Gamma slider
B. The Exposure slider 16 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
C. The Vibrance slider
D. The Radius slider

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 69
Which lens-related errors can be corrected in the Auto Correction tab of the Lens Correction filter?
A. Geometric Distortion, Chromatic Aberration, and Vignette
B. Lens flare, Geometric Distortion, and Chromatic Aberration
C. Lens flare, Chromatic Aberration, and Vignette
D. Dust spots, Geometric Distortion, and Vignette

Correct Answer: A
Why might you want to adjust vignetting in the Custom tab of the Lens Correction filter? (Choose two.)
A. To draw the viewers attention to the center of a photograph.
B. To reduce the dark corners in a photograph shot with a wide-angle lens.
C. To increase the contrast from dark to light vertically (top to bottom) or horizontally (left to right) in the image.
D. To correct vertical or horizontal perspective in a photograph.
E. To apply a radial gradient that frames the subject of a photograph.

Correct Answer: AB
You have a photograph open and have opened the Basic view of the Smart Sharpen dialog box. You
notice that your adjustments have added too much noise in the shadow areas. You switch to Advanced
What should you do there?

A. Increase the Fade Amount setting in the Shadow tab.
B. Change the Remove option to Lens Blur in the Sharpen tab.
C. Check the More Accurate option in the Sharpen tab.
D. Decrease the Fade Amount setting in the Highlight tab.

Correct Answer: A
You want to sharpen a photograph.
What should you do to prevent significant color shifts?

A. Sharpen each channel separately.
B. Sharpen only the Blue channel.
C. Use the Reduce Noise filter on each channel before sharpening.
D. Duplicate the layer, set it to the Luminosity blending mode, and sharpen it.

Correct Answer: D
You are using the Healing Brush tool to reduce dark undereye circles in a photograph of a face. Which is the best blending mode to choose from the Mode menu in the Options bar?
A. Lighten
B. Screen
C. Luminosity
D. Replace 17 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.

Correct Answer: A
You are retouching a portrait, and you want your changes to be located on a separate layer so you can
hide or show them.
Which retouching tool allows this?

A. The Patch tool
B. The Spot Healing Brush tool
C. The Color Replacement tool
D. The Red Eye tool

Correct Answer: B
You have shot overlapping photographs of a wide landscape and then used Photomerge to align and
merge the photographs into a panorama. The result has large areas of transparent pixels at the top and
bottom of the image.
Which is the best way to eliminate those blank areas without deleting any part of the image?

A. Select the transparent pixels; then choose Edit > Fill and choose Content-Aware from the Use menu.
B. Select the transparent pixels, choose Select > Inverse, and then choose Image > Crop.
C. Select the transparent pixels. Then select the Patch tool, enlarge the brush tip, and click and drag inside the selection.
D. Select the Spot Healing Brush tool, and choose the Content-Aware and Replace options in the options bar. Paint over the transparent pixels.
Correct Answer: A
Click the Exhibit button.

You want to remove the palm fronds at the top of the photograph on the left to achieve the result on the
Which is likely to be the most effective feature to use?

A. Content-Aware Fill
B. Content-Aware Scale
C. The Patch tool
D. The Healing Brush tool 18 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.

Correct Answer: A
Which task is Puppet Warp mode most useful for?
A. Retouching a profile of a model to make his nose appear less prominent
B. Creating a logo by warping an editable type layer to follow a curved path
C. Transforming a horizontal (“landscape”) photograph into a vertical (“portrait”) photograph
D. Creating a navigation bar of web buttons in which the shape of one button is automatically applied to the other buttons

Correct Answer: A
You shot a photograph of a model for a magazine ad. Your client wants you to make her look more
Which features are best for accomplishing this task? (Choose two.)

A. Puppet Warp
B. The Liquify filter
C. The Healing Brush tool
D. The Distort command
E. The Displace filter

Correct Answer: AB
You are adjusting a raw photograph in Camera Raw, and you want to increase contrast in the midtones of
the photograph.
Which Camera Raw control should you use?

A. The Clarity slider
B. The Fill Light slider
C. The Brightness slider
D. The Recovery slider

Correct Answer: A
You want to adjust the brightness of the lightest highlights in a raw photograph. Which control should you use in Camera Raw?
A. Exposure
B. Brightness
C. White Balance
D. Contrast
Correct Answer: A

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You have a type layer in your Photoshop document. Which of these require rasterizing the layer?
A. Apply Edit > Transform > Perspective
B. Kern two letters closer together
C. Use the Warp Text feature
D. Add type along a Bezier path.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 49
Click the Exhibit button.

Which tool should be selected in the Tools panel to see these features in the Options bar?
A. Move tool
B. Rectangular Marquee tool
C. Path Selection tool
D. Line Tool

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 50
Which statement is true about resizing a shape layer using the Edit > Free Transform Path command?
A. The shape remains a vector so the quality cannot degrade.
B. You must select the path with the Path Selection tool first.
C. Holding the Ctrl (Windows) / Command (Mac OS) key while resizing will preserve the shape s height/ width ratio.
D. You can hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and double-click to edit the shape in Illustrator.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 51
You ve drawn a path and would like to modify the position of individual points on the path. Which tool should you use to accomplish this?
A. The Direct Selection tool
B. The Path Selection tool
C. The Add Anchor Point tool
D. The Convert Point tool

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 52
You have drawn a path using the Pen tool. You want to save this path before creating a new path.
What should you do?

12 / 28
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A. Nothing. It is automatically saved in the Paths Panel.
B. Deselect the path.
C. Double-click the work path name in the Paths Panel.
D. Click the Create new path button at the bottom of the Paths Panel.

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 53
You have a document with multiple layers. One of the layers contains an arrow, drawn with the Line tool.
You want to modify the path that defines the arrow, but the path is not visible in the Paths panel.
What is the most likely reason for this?

A. The shape layer is not selected in the Layers panel.
B. Vector masks do not appear in the Paths panel, only in the Layers panel.
C. The vector mask must be converted to a selection before it can be edited.
D. Only paths, not shape layers, appear in the Paths panel.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 54
You are correcting color in a photograph of a person. You want to increase saturation in the clothing
without over saturating the model s skin tone.
What should you do?

A. Add an Exposure adjustment layer, and adjust the Gamma Correction slider.
B. Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, select Colorize, and adjust the Saturation slider.
C. Add a Vibrance adjustment layer, and adjust the Vibrance slider.
D. Add a Color Balance adjustment layer, select Preserve Luminosity, and adjust the color sliders.

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 55
You have added a Curves adjustment layer to an RGB photograph and made several adjustments. You want to see if any highlight areas of the image have been clipped to white or fully saturated color. What should you do?
A. Hold Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you click and hold the white eyedropper tool in the Adjustments panel.
B. Hold Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you click and hold the white triangle located below the curve in the Adjustments panel.
C. Select the white eyedropper tool in the Adjustments panel, and click and hold on the image.
D. Hold Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you click and hold on any of the points you have placed on the curve.

Correct Answer: B
Your photographer included a photo gray card in every photo during a product shoot. You want to remove
a color cast from one of the photos with a Curves adjustment.
What should you do in the
Curves dialog box?

A. Double-click the black point Eyedropper tool, set Brightness to 50%, then click on the gray card in the image.
B. Select the On-image adjustment tool, click on the gray card, and drag up or down until the color becomes neutralized. 13 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
C. Select the gray point Eyedropper tool and click it on the gray card in the image.
D. Click the Options button to open the Auto Color Correction Options dialog box, then select Snap Neutral Midtones and click OK.

Correct Answer: C
You want to increase the saturation of an image, but the colors that are already saturated get
oversaturated when you use a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
What should you do to avoid this?

A. Lower the opacity of the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
B. Set the blending mode of the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to Color.
C. Lower the Lightness setting in the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
D. Use a Vibrance adjustment layer instead of a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.

Correct Answer: D
You have opened a JPEG image from a camera and you want to make some adjustments with Curves. You want to be able to make more Curves edits in the future without further degrading the image quality. What should you do?
A. Choose Curves from the Adjustments panel menu.
B. Choose Image > Adjustments > Curves.
C. Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters.
D. Use Save As to save the file as a Photoshop PSD, and then choose Image > Adjustments > Curves.

Correct Answer: A
You shot a series of photographs in the same light. You want to make Curves adjustments in one image
and then apply them to all the other images.
What should you do in the first image?

A. Choose Curves from the Adjustments panel menu.
B. Choose Convert to Smart Object from the Layers panel menu before choosing Image > Adjustments > Curves.
C. Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters before choosing Image > Adjustments > Curves.
D. Choose Image > Adjustments > Curves, make the adjustments, then click the Options button and select the Save as Defaults checkbox.

Correct Answer: A

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Exam A
You have a photo of a red car on a mountain road. You need to select the car to use with a different
Which tool is the quickest and most effective one for selecting the car?

A. The Quick Selection tool
B. The Magic Wand tool
C. The Selective Color command
D. Quick Mask Mode

Correct Answer: A
You re using a photo of a leafy green tree against a light blue sky as an illustration for a magazine article.
You want to make the sky more blue.
Which is the best way to select the sky, including the sky between the leaves?

A. Use the Magic Wand tool to select most of the sky, and then choose Select > Similar.
B. Use the Quick Selection tool to select most of the sky, and then choose Select > Grow.
C. In Quick Mask Mode, paint the sky between the leaves.
D. Use the Magic Wand tool to select most of the sky, and then use the Patch tool to select the sky between the leaves.

Correct Answer: A
You ve spent a lot of time making a complex selection.
How can you retain the selection for future use? (Choose two.)

A. Choose Select > Save Selection.
B. Choose Select > Similar Layers.
C. In the Channels panel, click Save selection as channel.
D. In the Channels panel, click Load channel as selection.
E. In the Paths panel, click Make work path from selection.

Correct Answer: AC
You made a selection with the Elliptical Marquee tool. You want to move the selection boundary to the
How can you move the selection without moving or changing the image? (Choose two.)

A. With the Elliptical Marquee tool, click and drag inside the selection boundary.
B. With the Polygonal Lasso tool, click and drag inside the selection boundary.
C. With the Move tool, click and drag inside the selection boundary.
D. With the Move tool selected, press the arrow keys on your keyboard.
E. With the Move tool selected, hold down the Shift key and drag.

Correct Answer: AB
You ve made an initial selection around an egg in an image, using the Elliptical Marquee tool. Which command should you use to reshape the selection so it better fits the egg?
A. Select > Transform Selection
B. Edit > Free Transform C. Edit > Transform > Distort
D. Edit > Transform > Skew 2 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
E. Select > Modify > Border

Correct Answer: A
You have a photo of a woman in front of a green background. You ?v made a good selection around her
hair, but you still see a fringe of green from the background at the edges of the hair.
Which is the best way to minimize that fringe?

A. Select Decontaminate Colors in the Refine Edge dialog box.
B. Use a Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer to reduce saturation.
C. Choose Select > Transform Selection, and contract the bounding box.
D. Choose Image > Adjustments > Replace Color.

Correct Answer: A
You have a photo of a woman against a blue sky. You want to select the woman to use against another
Which feature is most likely to help you create a selection that captures both the wispy strands of her hair
and the smooth edge of her skin?

A. The Refine Edge dialog box
B. Soft Light blending mode
C. The Magic Wand tool
D. Blend If sliders

Correct Answer: A
You want to print a digital photograph on a professional desktop inkjet printer. You have a custom ICC profile for your printer, paper, and ink combination. In the Color Management area of the Print dialog box, which option will allow you to choose your custom ICC profile for use in printing?
A. Photoshop Manages Colors
B. Printer Manages Colors
C. Separations
D. Proof Setup

Correct Answer: A
You want to print a photograph from Photoshop to an inkjet printer so that the print simulates how it will be
reproduced on a commercial printing press.
Which option in the Print dialog box should you select?

A. Proof
B. Separations
C. Match Print Colors
D. Show Paper White
Correct Answer: A
Which statement best describes the Proof Colors feature in Photoshop?
A. It displays an on-screen preview of how your document s colors will look when reproduced on a particular output device.
B. It can print a contact sheet that includes your currently open images or the currently selected colors in 3 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams. the Swatches panel.
C. When active, it displays a gray overlay indicating colors that are out of gamut.
D. It is used for visually calibrating and testing the accuracy of a monitor and monitor profile.

Correct Answer: A